Remote Pages 0.1 Create and manage static pages from apps like Windows Live Writer.

This is a simple Orchard module which enables remote page creation and management using apps that support static page management via an XML-RPC supportsPages capability - like Windows Live Writer.

* disclaimer *

This is an early release that should work well but it could have some quirks.

One such "quirk", because of Windows Live Writer (WLW) at least, is that the created date (datecreatedgmt) returned for every page is back dated a day so all of the pages will look to have been created a day before they actually were.

The reason for this is that WLW does recognize the created date as GMT but it seems to see it as a local time when deciding on whether or not to display the page in the list of pages from the server. It won't show pages created in the future. It appears to see the date created as local time when showing the list of pages. It doesn't show pages touched between now and your time zone offset if you have a negative offset.

Because of this interesting behavior I've (temporarily) set the created date to -1 day in the data returned for the XML-RPC request. This doesn't affect the date elsewhere in the system so it should only be a bit annoying when managing pages from a client app.