ActiveGames 1.1 Download Module for Active Games for Windows Phone 7

Module Active Games for Orchard platform, is aimed at promoting healthy lifestyles through sharing information about Active Games members routes and achievements gained by the various tasks associated with an application on Windows Mobile Phone 7 of the same name. This application allows you to record tracks and complete tasks generated by it, then sent the information to database using Windows Communication Foundation service. Presented additive allows you to collect data from the database and showing them to the other people. Each user can display, on his website, route by Bing Maps and check various information about the course of this tour as speed and time in which it was completed. The viewer may find the route that he or she will go through this route more quickly, writing down the ID of the route, viewer may wanted from his application on the cell to form the same for him. Another important part of the additive, which will be implemented soon, will be projected achievements. Person who enters the side of persons with this add-on will be able to compare them with their achievements, which have the task of bring healthy competition that will ultimately improve health status, because the sport is healthy. Test Account : "Marcel"