Layer Split Rules 1.0 Enables layer rules for split testing

This modules adds a layer rule for display a layer only x % of the time.

You can use two syntaxes: split("groupkey", "max-percentage") split("groupkey", "min-percentage", "max-percentage")

The first syntax is equal to: split("groupkey", "0", "max-percentage")

If you want to do a A/B test, create a layer called "Split: A" with the following rule: split("ab", "50") and a layer called "Split: B" with the rule: split("ab", "50", "100")

You can do several split tests, by using different groupkeys for each. You can also do a A/B/C/x test, by using other percentages in the min-/max-percentage. You can use decimals, like "33,33".

The keys are generated on the fly per request (nothing is stored in the database). It rolls a random percentage per key per request, from 0 to 99.99 (with 2 decimals). The formula to decide if a rule is true or not is: rule-min-percentage =< random percentage < rule-max-percentage