Thumbnails 1.0 Thumbnails Generator Module using the library

DEPRECATED, please use instead, it has a much better implementation of the resizer library, and you get added features.

Thumbnails Generator Module for Orchard Project CMS using the library

Main features:

  • Simple and easy to use extension method
  • Compatible with Azure Storage or local file system
  • Uses the media folder to store cache of images (assets/cache)

Usage 1 (extension): - Reference Contrib.Thumbnails on your theme - Add @using Contrib.Thumbnails.Extensions; to your overriding view - Use extension method, @Html.Thumbnail("{mediaimageurl}", "Alternate Text", 100, 100, null)

Usage 2 (URL): - Use url /Thumbnails?mediaPath={mediapathfordirectory}&name={filename}&width=100&height=100