Package Manager 0.9 Download (ORCHARD 1.0 ONLY): Provide a new "Update" menu item under "Gallery" to enable auto-updati
!!!!NOTE!!!! Use only with Orchard 1.0, Orchard 1.1 and 1.2 have this functionality built-in.
If you are using this package and upgrading to Orchard 1.1 or Ochard 1.2, please rename the "~/Modules/Iroo.PackageManager/module.txt" file to some other name before the upgrade, to avoid a site compilation error during the upgrade.
Provide a new "Update" menu item under "Gallery" to enable auto-updating out-of-date local packages from the Gallery server.
Update 0.1.1: tweak UI. Update 0.1.2: More reliable notifications, tweak UI. Update 0.9: Refresh package list in background task.