Mojabi.ImageSliderGallery 1.0 This module includes multiple kind of Image Gallery , SlideShow and Carousel with extra fe

This module includes multiple kind of Image Gallery , SlideShow and Carousel with extra features like LightBox , Magnify , Cover and Thumbnail.

With Magnify option the image will be enlarged on mouseover event. With LightBox option a lightbox will be appear on mouseclick event of the image. The Thubmnail option can be applied on carousel. The Cover option enables a html template to be appeared on image on mouseover event.

Thanks to
and that I used their javascript library.

Also so many thanks to Tekno.FlexSlider module that I used and developed this module.

I developed it on orchard v 1.8.x

And last I do appologize for my awful english speaking so be relax to ask any question via email... ;D