Facebook Suite Connect 1.2.2 Lets users authenticate with their Facebook account

Lets users authenticate with their Facebook account

This module needs at least Orchard 1.5!

WARNING: when updating from 1.0.3 or earlier to 1.1 or greater please read the update notes: http://facebooksuite.codeplex.com/wikipage?title=Update%20notes%20from%20FB%20Suite%20v1.2.1%20and%20FB%20Suite%20Connect%201.0.3&referringTitle=Documentation

WARNING: this module is dependent on other modules. Please read the documentation on the project homepage!

Features: * Simple (user only has to provide a username) or full registration (user registers as normally, but can login with one click) * Optional requirement of verified FB account * Registered users can attach their account to their FB account for simple login * Profile pictures are saved as avatars * Link to FB profile on user profiles * User data saved and exposed through service with other features * Import/export configuration

For documentation and version history see the project homepage linked from below.