RM.QuickLogOn.OAuth 1.0.7 Set of Quick LogOn OAuth providers. Google, Windows LiveID, LinkedIn and Facebook OAuth ar

Set of Quick LogOn OAuth providers. Google, Windows LiveID, Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter OAuth are available at this time.

Release Notes: https://rmquicklogonoauth.codeplex.com/releases/view/112619

To get more detailed instruction, please visit page: http://www.richmaxim.com/Orchard-CMS-Configure-Google-OAuth-provider

How to use Google OAuth: 1) Install and enable this module. Note: As dependency will be installed also RM.QuickLogOn. It provides base functionality. You have to configure it first. Read instruction on module's page. 2) Goto Google APIS and create new project. Set 'Redirect URIs' field to [your site base url]/QuickLogOn/GGAuth, example 'http://localhost:39917/QuickLogOn/GGAuth'. Set 'JavaScript origins' field to [your site base url], example 'http://localhost:39917'. Confirm and receive 'Client Id' and 'Client Secret'. 3) Log on site as admin and goto dashboard. Expand 'Settings' and select submenu 'QuickLogOn'. Enter 'Client Id' and 'Client Secret' from Google APIS. 4) Enjoy!

Actually, other providers setting-up almost the same as Google.

How to use LiveID OAuth: Enable feature 'LiveID OAuth'. Go here to register application: https://manage.dev.live.com/Applications Set field 'Redirect domain' to [your site base url]/QuickLogOn/LIDAuth, example 'http://localhost:39917/QuickLogOn/LIDAuth'. Pickup Client Id and Client Secret and put them to LiveID OAuth Settings.

How to use Facebook OAuth: Enable feature 'Facebook OAuth'. Go here to register application: https:// developers.facebook.com/apps Set field 'Site domains' to [your site base url], example 'http://localhost:39917'. After that check part 'Site Url' and put [your site base url]/QuickLogOn/FBAuth. Save changes. Pickup Client Id and Client Secret and put them to Facebook OAuth Settings.

That's all.