TinyMceDeluxe 1.0.2 Add-on to Orchard's built-in TinyMce module. This module allows you to use all the TinyMce

Replacement to Orchard's built-in TinyMce module. This module provides exactly the same TinyMCE functionality as the default Orchard one, but additionally, it allows you to use all the official TinyMce plugins (http://www.tinymce.com/download/custom_package.php).

TinyMceDeluxe lets you: - Define custom content templates that editors can use when creating content in Orchard - TinyMce tables support - Paste syntax highlighted code to your blog with the included SyntaxHL TinyMce plugin. SyntaxHL has been customized for use with TinyMceDeluxe, allowing you to insert code snippets that are ready to be prettified by Google code-prettify (best used in combo with another module that handles highlighting via prettify, such as TheMonarch.SyntaxHighlighter).

1.0.2 - Bug fix: now works if you have a path prefix, e.g., "OrchardLocal/" is the app root for your Orchard instance. - Added automatic integration with the custom.css of your site's active theme with TinyMce, so the styles from the .css are available in a droplist in the TinyMce toolbar. Optionally, you can override this and provide a custom stylesheet path. 1.0.1 - Updated to TinyMce 3.5.7 - Added syntaxhl plugin - Breaking change: this module is now a replacement for Orchard's built-in TinyMce module. Disable the "TinyMce" module before enabling TinyMceDeluxe.