PVlt Localization 1.1 Overrides the core translation system and provides a culture picker widget that redirects to the translated version of the content.

Culture Picker Widget

The culture picker widget provides links for each supported culture as configured in site's settings.

Standard front-end design for the culture picker

It constructs links as described here:

First it tries to retrieve the related translation of the currently displayed content item . If it doesn't exists, it tries to retrieve the related translation of the home page. If a translated home page doesn't exists, it finaly provide a "#" and the link is desactivated.

If nothing is displayed, that means that there is a critical error. You can inspect the page's html code to read a hidden "log" message that can help you to resolve the problem. Usually there's a content management problem.

Translation management

To help you to keep a well organized content that is resilient to a culture setting change, the first culture that you are allowed to select is the site's default culture. With that rule, the the first translation of a content item will be always in default culture.

For the next translations, the module selects the "default culture" related translation as the "master content item" and you can select all other cultures.

An untranslated content can only register the default site culture

When you translate a content item, some parts of the master content item are cloned (Title, Body, Layout). So you don't have to spend time to reimplement a common structure, you just replace the text to translate.

SEO Optimization

The standard localization part template is overridden to inject tags "<link rel="alternate" hreflang="es" href="http://es.example.com/" />" into the <head> of the page (like google advises it).