Contents tagged with Performance

  • HTML Minifier

    Removes clutter and redundancy from dynamic HTML responses.

    2.0 published 8 years ago by Xeevis

  • Orchard.ContentExtensions

    The module change the implementation of ContentManger so that it loads the ContentItems pl

    1.0.0 published 9 years ago by siyamand.ayubi

  • Combinator

    Combines and minifies external stylesheets and javascript files

    2.0 published 10 years ago by Piedone

  • Infiltrator

    Adds runtime inspection and code profiling features.

    1.1 published 12 years ago by pszmyd

  • Warmup

    Provides a mecanism to generate a static version of pages for being used during applicatio

    1.1.30 published 13 years ago by Bertrand Le Roy